Jackie Allen Yoga

Yoga Nidra, Breathwork and Sound Healing
with Tatiana Regena

May 3 (Friday)
at 7:00 pm

Class length
90 minutes

Breathe and Be

Yoga Nidra, Breathwork and Sound Healing


The Breathe & Be workshop offers a unique opportunity to dive deep into relaxation, stillness, and intuition through the combined practices of breathwork and yoga nidra. Tatiana will guide you through breathwork techniques, where you'll learn powerful exercises to harness the life force of your breath. By becoming mindful of your inhales and exhales, you'll unlock a sense of inner peace and reduce tension. This prepares your body and mind for yoga nidra, a guided meditation technique often referred to as yogic sleep. In a comfortable supine position, you'll be guided through a visualization journey that brings your awareness inward, promoting profound relaxation and inner renewal. Bringing you deep into the world within, this powerful combination can leave you feeling refreshed, revitalized, and with a newfound sense of calm that carries over into your daily life. Come and experience the wonder of Breathe & Be sessions on May 3rd, at Jackie Allen Yoga.


What can you expect? 

  •  guidance through the practices of Breathwork, Sound Healing, and Yoga Nidra 
  • Connection to a deep sense of calm, clarity, and confidence within you
  • Release of fatigue, tension, and emotional weight in a beautiful and easeful way
  • Increased depth within your meditative practices and understanding of your energetic body

Who is this event for?

  • Suitable for all ages and abilities 
  • Those who are beginning or deepening their meditation or spiritual practices
  • Those who are searching for a sense of inner calm, clarity, and confidence
  • Those who want to improve their self-understanding
  • Those who want to access and directly influence their energetic/spiritual self
  • Those who want to experience deep peace and wholeness



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